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When is the Best Time to Buy a Furnace and Air Conditioner?

When is the Best Time to Buy a Furnace and Air Conditioner?

Most people would say that the best time to buy any appliance is when it’s on sale. They’d be right – but there are other factors to consider when buying heating and cooling equipment. Whether you’re in the market for a new furnace or air conditioner, or just curious about when these appliances should be replaced, Hans Heating and Air discusses the best time to buy a new HVAC system for your home.

Purchasing Heating & Cooling Equipment at the Same Time

When it’s time for a new air conditioner or furnace, it’s often a good idea to go ahead and replace both at the same time – even if one system seems to still have some life left in it. Doing so will provide some important benefits for your household.

When you replace furnace and air conditioner equipment together, you can be sure that your new HVAC systems are well-matched for optimal efficiency. A mismatched system – for example, an older furnace with a newer air conditioner – can lead to sub-optimal performance and increased energy costs. If you’re ready for a new air conditioning system or furnace, it’s worth considering replacing both units at the same time. You’ll enjoy superior comfort and energy savings for years to come!

Plus, replacing both the air conditioning and heating systems in your home at the same time can save you time on installation. Usually, both furnaces and air conditioners can be installed during the same day or a couple of days, so you only have to deal with taking time off work for one day while they install your new HVAC systems rather than multiple days. You can also save money on installation by having both systems replaced at the same time, as many HVAC companies offer deals for homeowners who choose to do so.

Best Time to Buy a Furnace and Air Conditioner

Many homeowners wonder what time of year is the best time to buy a new furnace and air conditioner because they want to get the best deal. It’s always a good idea to try to replace your units before your systems die on you.

Early fall is the best time to buy a furnace and AC unit for a few reasons. You’re not using your AC as much and so you won’t be without it for very long. Also, in the Montgomery area, you probably aren’t ready to start using your furnace yet either, so it’s a good idea to get this equipment replaced in this mild period where you won’t suffer inside without the use of either HVAC system as a new one is being installed.

Technicians are typically less busy in the fall, so you’re more likely to get an appointment quickly. As such, you can get a better deal on replacing your HVAC systems together because equipment prices are typically lower this time of year due to it being a slower season in this industry. Alternatively, spring can also be another good time to buy a new furnace and air conditioner for similar reasons.

Professional Furnace and Air Conditioner Replacement

Replacing your furnace and air conditioner is a big job, but it’s definitely worth it. Not only will you be ensuring that you have reliable equipment that will keep you comfortable all winter long, but you’ll also be doing your part to help the environment by upgrading to newer, more energy-efficient models. If you’re ready to take the plunge and upgrade your home comfort system this fall, contact Hans Heating and Air for a free quote on our new furnace and air conditioner installation services.

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